Given the recent events in Ukraine and the devastation that our brothers and sisters have had to face with the uncertainties in their country that has been ongoing since last month and while over 1.5 million of Ukrainians have fled their homes from the ongoing fighting into nearby countries and over two thousand lives have been loss and thousands more injured, we are asking for your help. During this time, Ukraine is in solemn need of our prayers and support as they face such devastating loss and tragedy within their country. Pope Francis tells us, “In God, no act of love, no matter how small, and no ‘generous effort’ will ever be lost.” Pope Francis has encouraged help for the people of Ukraine. In solidarity with our suffering brothers and sisters, All checks should be made payable to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith- memo: Ukraine Disaster. Donations may be mailed to Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 3424 Wilshire Blvd- 3rd Floor, Los Angeles CA 90010. If anyone wishes to make an online donation, they may do so at and specify Ukraine Disaster in the memo box. 100% of the collection will go towards those affected by this horrible situation.
Guía actualizada sobre mascarillas. El condado de Los Ángeles levantó los mandatos de mascarillas para interiores a partir del 4 de marzo de 2022 para alinearse con las órdenes del Departamento de Salud de California. Los lugares pueden seguir requiriendo el uso de mascarillas si creen que es una protección necesaria para sus comunidades religiosas. A partir de hoy, se recomienda encarecidamente el uso de mascarillas, pero ya no es necesario en la mayoría de los entornos interiores, incluidos los lugares de culto. Los condados de Ventura y Santa Bárbara habían revisado previamente sus órdenes de salud para que fueran consistentes con las órdenes estatales y ahora las ciudades de Pasadena y Long Beach también se han alineado con las pautas estatales. El Centro Católico Arquidiocesano (ACC) y las oficinas regionales también estarán alineados con esta nueva política.
Updated face mask guidance. Los Angeles County has lifted the indoor face mask mandates beginning March 4, 2022 to align with California Department of Health orders. Locations may continue to require masking if they believe it is a necessary safeguard for their faith communities. As of today, masking is strongly recommended, but no longer required in most indoor settings, including houses of worship. The Counties of Ventura and Santa Barbara had previously revised their health orders to be consistent with the State orders and now the cities of Pasadena and Long Beach have also aligned with state guidelines. The Archdiocesan Catholic Center (ACC) and regional offices will likewise be in alignment with this new policy.