Dear Parishioners,
Peace of the Lord be with you! It previously mentioned on
December 7, 2020, that one of the priests was exposed
with Covid-19. We took this matter very seriously and
decided to quarantine ourselves and keep the community
safe. We all have taken COVID-19 tests, spoken to our doctors, and have quarantined for
the good and safety of all. Our doctors have given us positive news and starting December
17, 2020, we will be able to return to our normality at the Parish. Thank you for all your
prayers during this time of uncertainty.
We were blessed and fortunate to have the priests of Santa Rosa celebrate Mass this past
weekend for our community, we appreciate their generosity in this time of need.
During the week of December 14 th through December 18 th , all the Masses will be
Livestreamed on our parish Facebook/YouTube without the distribution of Communion.
Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. English Mass
Tuesday and Thursday Spanish Mass at 7:00 p.m.
On Tuesday, December 15th, we will have a Holy Hour Livestreamed from 8:00 a.m. to
9:00 a.m.
On Friday, December 18 th , we will have our normal Holy Hour from 7:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m.
in the Parish Hall parking lot.
The weekend of December 19 th through December 20 th , we will back to normal.
As a parish and community will continue to follow all the protocols set in place by the
Archdiocese, State, and County officials so as to keep everyone safe in our liturgies and
Let us continue keeping each other in prayer, and we ask our Divine Doctor, Jesus Christ to
heal all those affected by this unfortunate pandemic.
In Christ Jesus,
Rev. Juan Ayala, O.M.I.